Saturday, December 11, 2010

Symmetry has the widest variety of herbs and herbal blends in Nashville! Below is a list of herbs we carry and their common properties.

Alfalfa Leaf (Herbal Energy and Staying Power) Helps in eliminating retained water, relieves urinary and bowel problems, used in treating anemia, fatigue, kidney, peptic ulcers, pituitary problems and for general health.

Astragalus Powder (Energy and Metabolism) Increases energy levels; builds resistance to disease by strengthening the immune system; aids in the prevention of atherosclerosis, insomnia, and hypertension; aids adrenal gland function; increases metabolism

Black Cohosh (A Sedative Root) Relieve Premenstrual pain and symptoms of menopause, especially hot flashes, and may be helpful in treating rheumatic joint pain.

Blessed Thistle (A Special Affinity to Women) Excellent stimulant tonic for the stomach and heart, aids circulation and helps with liver problems, takes oxygen to the brain which may help strengthen memory, and may help with menopause and menstrual cramping.

Burdock Leaf (Natural Blood Purifier and Detoxifier) Helps improve metabolism and reduce cravings and hunger. Helps with severe skin problems, Urinary and Respiratory System, Helps balance Hormones. Good for removing toxins, strong blood purifier and cleanser and may help with arthritis.

Butcher's Broom (The Clean Sweeper) Improves circulation especially in the legs. Used to prevent fluid retention in Legs and ankles, helps remove toxins & renews energy.

Buckthorn Holistic Properties: A serious real-deal laxative that gets rid of waste lickidy-split.

Calendula It is said that Calendula flower gives off bright sparks during thunderstorms. In ancient Rome, yellow was the color of prosperity and wealth, so calendula was often part of wealthy gardens. Calendula is an excellent herb to help in the treatment of skin disorders. Use a calendula tea to was over cuts and sores. As a tea, it helps soothe digestion problems. Calendula is also said to have anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

Cascara Sagrada Bark (A mild Laxative) Effective treatment for chronic constipation and symptoms relating to constipation.

Catnip (A Natural Anti-acid and Anti-stress Herb) Often used to treat colds and insomnia, helps lower fevers, dries up postnasal drip, gets rid of bad headaches and relieves sore aching bones due to colds and flu. The tea helps to break a fever, soothe an upset stomach and digestive system. Drink catnip tea to help ease tension from nicotine and alcohol withdraw symptoms. It also eases anxiety, calms crying, relieves PMS and helps with restful sleep.

Chamomile (The All-Around Comforter) Known for its calming effect on smooth muscle tissue, good for nervous stomach, menstrual cramps, and other common problems often related to stress and nourishes the respiratory tract. Chamomile tea has a soothing effect, which is an excellent aid for restful sleep and sore menstruation cramps. It also calms a nervous stomach and cures insomnia and anxiety. When used topically, it soothes skin. Add to an oil to help soothe aches, sore muscles and bruises.

Chaste Berry (A Women's Balance) Helps with PMS, Irregular periods, Menstrual Pain, Menopause, and other hormone, related problems in women. Has a calming effect.

Cinnamon Chips (Spice for Blends) Widely used to prevent infection and indigestion. Helps break down fats during digestion. A great aid for lowering Blood Sugars & helps control Type 2 Diabetes.

Cinquefoil Cinquefoil can be used as a gargle, although it has a bitter taste. Topically it makes an excellent astringent for the skin.

Cleavers (Lymph Cleanser) A lymphatic tonic valuable for diuretic properties. Dissolves kidney and urinary sediment. Helps overcome infection and an Anti inflammatory. Cleaver's Herb tea cleanses the skin when topically applied. It is also a diuretic tea and a lymph gland cleanser (which is important for immunity). It can be used as a hair rinse.

Comfrey Leaf (A Herb for Repairs) ONLY TO BE USED TOPICAL. A poultice of comfrey heals wounds, burns, sores and bruises.

Damiana Leaf Used to regulate the female cycles. It is also used to stimulate the sexual appetite. Good for urinary problems and nervousness' as hypertension. A natural aphrodisiac, damiana is said to helps both men and women in reproductive matters. For men, it helps fight impotence and sterility. For women, it helps fight infertility, balances hormones, assists in healthy menstruation cycles, and helps ease side effects of menopause. Damiana is also said to be a stimulating nervine tonic which helps to treat depression.

Dandelion Leaves (The Little Plant that Roars) Nourishes the liver and contains vital nutrients. Used to purify the blood, benefits the circulatory and glandular systems. Dandelion leaf contains iron, potassium, beta-carotene and vitamin C. It is a great cleansing herb, and in teas can be used as a diuretic and mild laxative. It helps to promote liver and gallbladder function, and can stabilize blood sugar. It is a diuretic that also cleanses the kidneys.

Dong Quai Powder (The Supreme Woman's Root) A powerful help for female reproductive system. A powerful uterine tonic and hormonal regulator. Used in premenstrual and menopausal syndrome formulas

Echinacea Angustifolia (Fights Infection & Detox) Helps removes toxins and fights infections and with stomach disorders

Echinacea Pallida (Lymph System Cleanser) Stimulates production of white "killer" cells and regulates red blood cells and a lymph system cleanser.

Echinacea Purpurea (Immune System) Used to enhance the immune system.

Eucalpytus Although not recommended for internal use, its fragrance can help clear congestion.

Fennel Seed (The Regulator) Helps take away the appetite. Improves Digestion, helpful with coughs, Natural Diuretic, Helps with gas, acid stomach, gout, cramps and spasms.

Feverfew (Migraines and Allergies) Helps fight against Migraines. Helps reduce inflammation in arthritic joints and has been used to restore liver to normal function.

Galangal Root Used for protection, lust, health, money, and psychic powers. Galangal clearly has been used for a variety of magickal needs. If it is carried it is said to bring good luck, good health, and aid in psychic development. It is sprinkled around the house to promote lust. It is excellent in money sachets and bottles, as it is said to give extra power to prosperity.

Ginger Root (The Hot Root) Arthritis, Rheumatism, Osteoporosis, Gout, Cold and Chills, Cold Hands and Feet, Heart Health, Nausea, Motion Sickness, Weight Control and Digestion. Ginger warms the body, which promotes healing and circulation. Add to tea to aid in healing from the cold or flu. Ginger also calms a nauseous stomach, and works well in capsules or in tea if to calm a nervous stomach or travel sickness.

Ginkgo (Life Enhancer) Effective in nutritionally supporting the body's systems through its antioxidant properties, A very potent free radical scavenger. Ginkgo is said to help improve mood, stimulate brain function, and have strong antioxidant qualities. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, and it has also been used in treatment for ADHD, memory loss, respiratory disease, and disorders related to poor circulation. It is excellent to add to teas when trying to combat allergies and asthma. Drinking a cup of ginkgo tea a day will keep you youthful, fit, and full of awareness.

Ginseng (King of Tonics) Excellent to build resistance against stress, both mental and physical fatigue, and .improves working ability, may help slow the aging process and improve stamina.

Gotu Kola (Herb for the Brain) Stimulates circulation to the brain, helps increase learning ability and considered one of the best nerve tonics which promotes relaxation.

Hibiscus (Enhancer for Blends) Member of the mallow family with a mellow, sweet taste and Vitamin C Enhance the flavor and bring harmony to a blend. It has a calming nature.

Honeysuckle Used for healing, money, protection, psychic awareness, and spirituality. The flowers are said to attract money and excellent for prosperity spells. Place in a vase in the home or around green candles to attract money. Lightly crush the flowers and rub on the third eye, or on an amethyst and carry for enhanced psychic abilities . Ruled by Jupiter, honeysuckle also enhances spirituality.

Hops Leaf (The "Good Night" Flowers) Is a sedative and useful in treating insomnia and nervous tension, coughs, bladder ailments, liver ailments. Externally used to treat itching skin rashes.

Hyssop (The Breathe of Life) Used in treating lung ailments, soothe sore throats, respiratory system cleanser, and bronchial congestion.

Kava Kava A mild sedative that creates a tranquil feeling without loss of concentration. It relieves stress, tension and anxiety. It can also assist in alleviating insomnia, PMS, and feelings of depression. It is also said to have mild aphrodisiac qualities.

Lavender (The Herb of Harmony) Excellent combined with other herbs that have a strong taste. Helps relax the body. May help with depression, nervous tension and stress. May also be used as a headache remedy. Lavender is a soothing and calming herb that can be used to assist in alleviating headaches, sleeping problems, stress, and anxiety. In tea, lavender is a tonic for toxins in the stomach. Lavender in the home brings peace, joy, and healing. Lavender is soothing and calming herb that can be used to assist in alleviating headaches, sleeping problems, stress and anxiety. In studies, lavender has shown to lower blood pressure and promote antibacterial activity. In baths, it promotes relaxation and relief from headaches and joint diseases.

Lemon Balm (Nature's Antihistamine) Used to treat fever, colds, flu, headaches, depression, menstrual cramps, insomnia, nervous stomach, herpes simplex, hyperthyroidism, and indigestion. When ill, lemon balm tea helps you “sweat out” toxins and bacteria in the body. Iced lemon balm tea relieves tension and aids in respiratory function. It can also help in digestion and relieving nervousness. The fragrance is said to lift spirits and ease tension.

Lemongrass (Good for the Digestion) Fever reducer, stomach cramps, flatulence and colic, easing arthritic pain and general digestive aid, Suited for digestive problems in children.

Lemon Peel (Enhancer for blends) Is a digestive aid, used for abdominal bloating, nausea, cough and discomfort in the chest, heartburn, rheumatism, gout and swelling.

Licorice Root (The Soother) Relieves coughs and sore throats, Improves digestion, Eases menstrual cramps, Believes to increase libido, Reduces seasonal allergies and congestion

Marshmallow Root (Herb of Plenty) Does much to help, heal and soothe inflamed areas of the body helps with throat inflammation, larynx, laryngitis, bronchitis, and muscle aches and pains sinews. Works well for poor kidneys and bladder, & helps to lower blood sugar levels. Marshmallow root makes a wonderful tea that soothes sore throats and coughs, upset stomachs, colitis, and urinary tract infections. It contains a vitamin A, which helps to boost healing abilities.

Meadowsweet (The Acid Reliever) Helps to relieve stomach acidity and calms the digestive tract. Over time it will gently restores health to your digestive tract.

Milk Thistle (Liver detoxifier) For all liver disorders, fights pollutants and prevents free radical damage, Helps common skin conditions related to poor liver functions

Motherwort (Menopausal Friend) Helps relieves symptoms of PMS and menstrual disorders and other female troubles; helps tone the liver, reduces nervous anxiety and quiets the nervous system, and good for chest colds.

Mugwort Mugwort has been used in treating colds, and can be used in a bath soak to relieve cold symptoms and fever. As a tonic and tea, mugwort can be used to help regulate periods, and alleviate any severe pain that may come with them. It is also said to aid in digestion.

Mullein Mullein is an excellent addition to a tea for relieving respiratory problems. Mullein tea is also a great hair rinse. Off the Record: People come in and buy this stuff by the pound to smoke?!

Nettle Leaf (Build Your Energy) Blood Tonic and Circulatory Stimulant, Energy Builder, Good for Respiratory weakness, Helps regulates Moods, High blood pressure, Gout, PMS, and good for fever and colds.

Oat straw (Body Tonic) Contains high amounts of bone-building materials, effective herbal calcium and silica source. Strengthens nerves, and helps correct sugar use imbalances.

Orange Peel (A Blend Enhancer) In Chinese medicine, used as a diuretic, for digestive properties, & has Vitamin C.

Papaya Leaf (The Digestive Regulator) Very useful as a digestive stimulant, relieves sour stomach, helps cleanse the lymph system and fights infection, helps with weight loss.

Passion Leaf (The Herb of Tranquility) Used to treat hyperactivity and insomnia. A pure and mild sedative. Very relaxing. Useful to calm nerves and blood pressure. A mildly sedative to relieve pain, antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasms and mild relaxant.

Patchouli In Asia, the fragrance of patchouli is said to be a stimulant and anti-depressant.

Pau D'Arco (The Divine Bark) Antifungal, hypotensive, anti-diabetic, bitter tonic, digestive, antibacterial, used to treat autoimmune diseases, provides energy and strength to the body, build and protects the immune system, and a natural blood builder and cleanser. Pau D’Arco has been used to help assist in the treatment of infections, candida, yeast infections, liver disease, and cancer. It has many anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities. It has iron in it, which helps to build red blood cells. It is an excellent candida cleanser and helps to fortify immunity. It also clears mucous infections, which makes it a great herb to have on hand during colds and flus.

Peach Leaf (Herbal Digestive Aid) Calms nervousness helps with chest congestion, a mild laxative, & rids toxins.

Peppermint (Leaves or Powder) (Marvel of Menthol) Excellent for upset stomach, gastrointestinal disturbances, anxiety, restlessness, tension and tension headaches. A mild relaxant for children and the elderly. Peppermint helps soothe the stomach and intestines, therefore is excellent in tea to help fight indigestion. Peppermint tea is said to help ward off colds and flu, soothe sore thoats, and ease stomach aches. The fragrance of peppermint is said to help ease headaches and anxiety. The herb also helps to freshen breath.

Plantain (Herbal Star) Used to clear mucous from the body, to neutralize poisons, treat lung problems, treat stomach ulcers, diarrhea, and bladder infections.

Red Raspberry Leaf (Gravity Reliever-A Woman's Friend) Strengthens the uterus wall and regulates menstrual flow. Nourishes reproductive organs, soothing astringent properties to the stomach and intestinal tract. Helps balance the body so diarrhea or constipation can be relieved. Red raspberry can be used to help with menstrual irregularities, nausea, and female complaints. Although only mild dosage is recommended during pregnancy, red raspberry leaf can help with morning sickness, lactation, and childbirth. It can help to promote tissue healing and healthy skin as well.

Red Clover (Herb that Met a Tempest) Excellent for bronchial congestion. Relaxing to nerves and entire system. Used for rheumatoid arthritis and as a treatment for whooping cough and bronchitis.

Rose Hips (The Queen of the Flowers) Nutrient Tonic, Plain and Simple Protection, Skin and Soul. "From Skin to Spirit, the Perfect Rose, For Young and Old, the Perfect Rose, A Wealth of Health, the Perfect Rose. Rosehips tea has an incredible number of nutrients that help fight aging, assist the immune system and help general well-being. It is an excellent tonic for energy and helps to fight illness. They fight infection, help digestion and help keep your skin hydrated. It has an incredible amount of vitamin C in it and can help to shorten the duration of a cold. New studies suggest it may help fight wrinkles.

Rosemary Rosemary helps to ease nervousness, stimulate memory, and soothe aches and pains. When taken as a warm tea, it helps ease headaches and nervousness It is also a circulatory stimulant and aids in warming the body.

Sage (Hot Flash Fighter) May reduce sweating and the severity and frequency of hot flash. May calm nerves, improve digestion and ease lung congestion and coughs.

Sarsaparilla Root (The Deep-Cleaner) A natural steroid and progesterone precursor, helps improve sports performance, is a female toner, and helps relieve arthritic pain. Helps balance hormonal levels & used for parasitic infections of the skin.

Saw Palmetto (The Fat Fighter) Hormone Balance, Nervous System, Prostate, Fatigue, Urinary Tract Infections, Women's Life Cycle, and Fat Fighter, Has the enzyme lipase that breaks fats down.

Senna Leaf (A Potent Laxative) A very effective laxative, often used as a cleanser during a fast. It is STRONG, so you should combine it with fennel or ginger. Don not use for prolonged periods to avoid bowel becoming dependent, and do not use in cases of dehydration.

Scullcap Scullcap is a natural sedative which assists in alleviating insomnia and nerves. It has also been used help with drug or alcohol withdraw, relieve headaches, insomnia and menstrual cramps.

Shave grass (Healing stems) Helps with brittle nails and hair, part of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Often used in treating urinary tract infection.

Slippery Elm (Barrier to Disease) Neutralize stomach acids, boost adrenal glands, draws out impurities, heals all parts of the body, most useful for respiratory system, helps in the healing of burns, skin cancers, poison ivy , and wounds. Slippery Elm is very helpful in treating diarrhea, colon disorders, sore throats, and intestinal ulcers. It is great in a tea for soothing sore throats and calming coughs. It is also helpful in relieving heart burn and ulcers.

Spearmint (The Flavoring Mint) Aids in colds, flu, gas, colic, and stopping vomiting during pregnancy.

Stevia (A Dietary Supplement) A Natural Non-Caloric Sweet-Tasting Leaf. **1/4 tsp per cup **

St. John's Wort (The Restorer) Useful for bronchitis, internal bleeding, healing wounds, healing wounds, eases depression, headaches, hysteria, neuralgia, shingles, as well as symptoms that occur during menopause, useful in swellings, abscesses and bad insect sting.

Thyme (The Knockout Infection Fighter) Powerful antiviral, antibiotic, diuretic properties, helps eliminate wastes from the body, used in treating whooping coughs, warts, rheumatism and acne. Fever breaker, headache reducer and to be rid of intestinal worms. As a tea, thyme is used to help digestive complaints and respiratory issues. It is also suggested that thyme tea is helpful for urinary health, relieving menstrual cramps, and relieving headaches. Thyme also has antiseptic properties, and is often an ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes. In essential oil form, thyme can be applied to the skin to soothe and relax, as well as help alleviate coughing.

Turmeric Powder (Indian Saffron) Powerful Anti-inflammatory, Menstrual difficulties, chest pain and Colic, inflammatory Bowel Disease, Relief for rheumatoid/Arthritis, Helps for Cystic Fibrosis sufferers, Improve liver function, and Cardiovascular Protection

Uva Ursi Uva Ursi is a diuretic which can help to balance the pH of urine and work as a tonic in the kidneys and bladder. It is often used to help treat urinary tract infections.

Valerian (Natural Sleeping Aid) Is a relaxant herb which has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system. For insomnia drink before bedtime to help induce sleep quickly. Vervain has aphrodisiac properties. It can also calm irritability. Vervain tea can also be used as a mouthwash, and is excellent for soothing fevers and easing phlegm-based coughing.

Vervain Vervain was regarded as an aura-healing herb to the Druids. It grew in Jerusalem, and said to be the herb that was used to stop the bleeding and heal the wounds of Jesus. In 77 CE, Pliny said that Magi claimed that people who are rubbed with Vervain “obtain their wishes, banish fever, and cure all diseases.” Priests in ancient Rome used vervain to cleanse altars of Jupiter. Vervain as aphrodisiac properties. It can also calm irritability. Vervain tea can also be used as a mouthwash. Excellent for soothing fevers and easing phlegm-based coughing.Ruled by Venus, Vervain is spiritually used for love, purification, healing, money, and protection. It is traditionally gathered on Midsummer. A powerful herb of blessing and consecration when used to ritually “sweep” the altar. Brings love and protection when carried. It is used in a ritual bath or scattered to bring peace. Can be added to personal safety amulets and to attract wealth. For magickal baths, purification incenses, personal safety amulets. Used in love and protection sachets. Can also use to attract wealth. It is an herb of poets, bards, and singers, and has energies of inspiration.

White Oak Bark Used for protection, health, money, healing, potency, fetility, and luck. Oak brings fertility to ideas, projects and harvest magick. Oak has powerful protective powers, and is sacred to Brighid and Dadga. Carrying oak in sachet or spell bottle is said to bring good luck or healing. Surround white oak around a blue candle for healing magick. As a tea, white oak bark may be useful in fighting inflammation and aid in kidney function. A small dose of white oak bark can be added to teas to help combat yeast infections and other reproductive tract infections.

White Willow (An Anti-Inflammatory) Useful in all stomach troubles, especially sour stomach and heartburn. Mostly used for minor aches and pains in the body. Neuralgia, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Bursitis, Lumbago, Inflammatory Skin Condition, Strengthen Digestive Organs,

Wild Yam (Menopausal Friend) Very relaxing to muscles, soothing to nerves, and good for glands. Contains plant progesterone which aids in menopause. Good for arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Wood Betony (The Herb of Sanctity) Head Clearing Relieves Congestion That Can Hang On After A Cold Or Sinus Condition, Digestive Disorders Soothes Indigestion, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Colic And Gas, Headaches, Circulatory Tonic, Liver Enhancer, Helps Lower High Blood Sugar Levels, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Helps Fight Skin Infections, helps clean impurities from the blood, urinary tract inflammation, varicose veins and intestinal worms.

Yarrow (The Wound Healer) Blood Purifier, Digestive System, Fevered Colds, Menstruation, Varicose Veins, Hemorrhoids, Wounds, High Blood Pressure, Calm an Irritable Bladder, Soothe Painful Joints, Helps eliminate toxins, aids in arthritis symptoms such as swelling and inflammation and aching, sore muscles, stiff joints and back pain. Yarrow is a blood-purifier and can clean toxins out of the blood. It fights infections in the stomach and intestines, and can help soothe digestion problems. Use yarrow tea while fighting fevers and colds, as it breaks fevers and coughs, and fights infection. Soak a bandage in cool yarrow tea and wrap it around a wound for fast healing.

Yellow Dock Root (The Cool Cleanser) Most useful blood purifier, therefore good in all skin problem. Helps tone entire system, soothes the stomach and bowel lining, fights fatigue, removes toxins, reduce inflammation and lymph buildup, aids in decongesting the liver, reducing inflammation, cleaning the blood and increasing the bile flow, used in the treatment of chronic skin complaints such as psoriasis.

*Written in part by Bonnie Taylor (the tea lady!) and Kiki Dombrowski

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