Saturday, December 11, 2010

Prevent Heart Attacks with Tea

Prevent Heart Attacks with Tea

Posted by veritas June 13, 2008

It seems everyday new studies are released that extol the benefits of drinking tea. One we haven’t touched on is the British Nutrition Foundation’s study that shows three cups of tea a day will significantly cut your risk of having a heart attack:

The clearest consistent evidence points to an association between tea consumption, in excess of three cups per day, and a reduced risk of myocardial infarction or a heart attack.

This is good news for the many avid tea drinkers in Britain.

The quote is from Dr. Carrie Ruxton in Britain’s Telegraph newspaper. Lately all studies seem to note the “three cups a day” rule, which is about 24 ounces of tea a day (three 8 ounce cups). But this study is odd because Dr. Ruxton found that milk did not effect the benefits of drinking for your heart. Typically studies find that milk dampens the health benefits somewhat, but apparently not for your heart (which is also good news for “avid tea drinkers in Britain” where tea is often taken with milk).

One other health benefit popped out of the study as well:

My study also found emerging evidence that older women – those most at risk of brittle bones – had significant increases in bone density if they drank more than four cups of tea a day.

Tea has become the miracle drink of the early 21st century!

Marie Claire also referenced the study and put the optimal intake of tea at three to eight cups a day. We would recommend mixing up the type of tea you drink, since the different processing methods slightly change the health benefits. Perhaps three cups of green tea with a cup of black tea and two of white is a good plan. I would also mix in a herbal or rooibos tea for the vitamins and minerals they provide. The White and Green teas offer the best antioxidants (cancer) and green gives you EGCG as well. And black stimulates your heart and keeps blood vessels soft while adding some caffeine.

Whatever you do, mix some tea into your diet! It seems clear that tea is better than simply drinking water, since it adds health benefits without adding any negatives. Do yourself some good with a cup of tea today!

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